While mold is a common substance that is common knowledge, mold mites may be something most have not heard about. Mold mites may be an insect or term you have yet to hear regarding mold. Mold mites are actually part of a larger family of species that specifically eat certain substances. For instance, along with
What is Orange Mold?
What is Orange Mold?
There are many different types of mold and things relating to mold in our world. Mold spores on their own are microscopic and are abundant in nearly every room, with the average mold spore count being 500-700 spores in a room. While mold spores are fairly common in a room, living with an abundance of
The Cost of Crime Scene Cleanup
The Cost of Crime Scene Cleanup
The cost of crime scene cleanup varies based on the amount of cleanup needed and the type of damage associated with the crime scene. Here at United Water Restoration Group, we offer professional crime scene cleanup services. You can contact us at (800) 430-5838 to get an estimate about the costs to restore and repair
Crime & Death Scene Cleanup Services
Crime & Death Scene Cleanup Services
Do you want help handling crime and death scene cleanup? If so, the United Water Restoration Group is here to help you. We provide crime and trauma scene cleanup for the owners of both residential and business properties. Call us at (800) 430-5838 to begin the restoration process. Generally, you must wait until after the